

1. This website is created by Hor Justin.

2. Analytics tools may be used, which may store and track information about you when you enter the website. Information includes the number of users, their frequency of use and their preferred pages on HJDP sites. These tools are only able to track the pages you visited on HJDP sites and cannot track other sites you visited or read off your hard disk.

3. If you provide personally identifiable data:

  • It may be shared with other companies as their services are used to support the operations of HJDP websites (e.g. APIs, Hosting Services).
  • These companies includes, but are not limited to, Netlify, Telegram, FormSubmit and Namecheap.
  • Data would not be shared with external parties (excluding companies with services that HJDP utilises) unless authorised by HJDP.

4. HJDP Platforms that may host user's informations for their personal use, like JNotes, are designed to store data locally in the user's device. Thus, user's notes cannot be collected or tracked by HJDP. However, analytics tools (which monitors the number of users entering the site and the model of their device) may be used.

5. To safeguard your personal data, all electronic storage and transmission of personal data will be secured with appropriate security technologies. However, these technologies are not full-proof and hackers may be able to bypass them. In that case, HJDP would not be responsible for any data losses or leaks.

6. This site may contain links to non-HJDP sites whose data protection and privacy practices may differ. HJDP are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of these other websites and encourage you to consult the privacy notices of those sites.